Usually when someone asks me which religion I follow, I always give the same answer: “I am a Deist”. but it is clear that Deism is not a religion. I give this answer just to get rid of the question and trying not to get in so many details as this topic needs when people doesn´t know what is about; also to give  an idea that I believe in a higher deity but not by a theistic religion.

Deism is a philosophy that asserts the existence of God as creator and organizer of the universe and each of its physical and natural processes, and that can be perceived through rational contemplation and study of physics and nature.Thus the rational Deism is the belief of God.

Deism is not guided by any writing, religion or holy book, as all these are merely human creations there are multiple deities or persons to whom worship is simply clear that there is a God.

Because Deism basis believing in God  through reason, the description of God can vary from a deist to other and the reason each person is very subjective and each end somewhat depending on the way it looks or its logical conversations on the subject with others . However, we all have something clear, Deism is that God does not interfere with the free will of the people, not a person involved in the daily lives of each of the individuals on the planet.

Deism was born long ago with some of the early Greek philosophers, but it took real importance about the fifteenth century with the revival since by this time began to structure thought and study on the physical nature and the universe, two people who consider themselves were deists at the time Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton, who as we know were the fathers and founders of physics and astronomy we know now.

Near the seventeenth century were a few writers who delved into the subject of Deism setting ideas as that the state should be separate from religion and the free choosing of a religion. This does not stop at simple ideas but took real importance in the U.S. and applied these concepts, then these ideas have been applied in different countries in the world, having now a large majority of countries where they operate these thoughts.

As expected there were several clashes between the Catholic religion and Deism for several reasons, the most important are:

  • In Deism is clear about the theory of evolution and all existing scientific theories.
  • Deism believes that God is not an entity that engages in human behavior.
  • Deism believes that religion should be separate from the state, since each has convictions and quite different purposes.
  • Deism is not guided by any book, church, person, ritual, dogma, creed, among others.

La evolución es parte del Deísmo

So far I did not want to make any definition of God because as I said before, is subjective depending on each person’s reasoning, however, when people ask me how I can accept the theory of evolution and still believe in God (probably many have this question), these people tell them that the first thing to do is forget any religious paradigm to understand the Deist philosophy, God is a creator and organizer of being every one of the natural and physical processes in the universe, the probability of the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is extremely small and the fact that we as rational intelligent life in this world we are not a matter of chance or luck, as Albert Einstein said ” God does not play dice “, many events have been very detailed and difficult to understand so that we are here, and all this has gone through so.The ability to reason is the clearest evidence of the existence of God (This phrase, taking into account the ontological argument ).

Some of the most famous deists in history:

  • Socrates
  • Platon
  • Aristotle
  • Benjamin Frankiln
  • George Washington
  • Albert Einstein ( Einstein’s Reliance Deist )
  • Stephen Hawking (I personally think Deist, this based on his writings and ideas about science and God)

On the net there are hundreds of sites (most of those who believe) talking about the subject, I have noticed that this way of thinking has been growing slowly in recent years and that knowledge has grown significantly, it is now easier to find a young person or person wondering, how a man blow solidified mud? How are recorded in the Bible people (like Noah) with more than 750 years? What is an Angel? How do I know God exists?, I think in time these questions are far more common than we think and the need to find reasonable answers brings us to the growing knowledge of deism.

Gente inteligente.


It is funny how I look back on time and remember my father shaking his head side to side, smuggling inside with an obvious facial gesture of disagreement every time I was going to use the car, or I was getting dressed up to hang out with my friends, every time I asked him for money or even when I had the audacity to show him the new perforation I just got… Oh those days!!! Poor Dad.

Now I remember those faces and makes me want to hug him and apologize because now I know that it wasn´t me, it was my brain playing with me.

Growing up is a mixture of internal and external changes that make us, teenagers, want to experiment all kind of new things, a strange love of novelty, and  hunt for sensations that provide us of a dangerous feeling that lead us  to …”forbidden, is better”  thinking.

The funny part is that while we are getting speeches from our parents, our brains are having fun on a “maturing” party where neurons dance with each other boosting axon’s transmissions to speed up to hundred times, just as they were under the influence of Ecstasy, without mentioning those rarely named liquids that we all have in our brains that are avidly growing and getting wiser after being atunned with LCD, now, that situation is really tough and boring, so, why to blame us for doing crazy things?

When I was younger, and I mean, younger and crazy, there was not better feeling that air in your face, the adrenalin going up trough the pores of your body  while speeding on a highway trying to win the 100 bucks we just gambled on a street race. risking our lives and friends, and making our parents pray as they never had before for us to come home in one piece.

Now, my safety is first and those who are with me too. I care about my car, and most important ,I think about brakes, tires, windows, engine, and obviously about the money I would have to spend if something happens to my precious car!!.

Is not that I´m that old, but it seems that my brain has already enjoy the party and as the time pass by, is getting tired of making me try silly and bumbling acts of immaturity which the truth is that this is what we call grow.  My brain  finally finished that process of maturation that is call Adolescence, the world most complex word, that Freud describes as an expression of torturous psychosexual conflict wich I personally believe there is not better definition than that one, besides the common one, Adolescence=problem.

This long, slow, developmental wave, completed only in the mid 20´s appears to be a uniquely human common behave which during the hard process we do must understand that we humans don´t wise up earlier in life thanks to  a scientific reason, and thinking it well, why do we need to mature fast, to end up dumber sooner?


India, November 1992. A little girl suffer extreme burns, leaving her with hands as round as little fists and fingers switched to her palm, her body misses large amounts of skin and deformations all around her face.

November 2000, The 8 years old girl is about to have a surgery, but her doctor has no degree and most incredible, is one year younger than the patient.

Akrit Jaswell, the youngest surgeon the world knows, have read books of medicine and related topics since he could which was pretty early, talked and walked  when he was 10 months, at the age of two he start writing and at 5 read Shakespeare in english, a book per week and some other literature, at the age of 9 was already teaching in his local school, and at 12 was already studying to graduate on science medicine in an Indian university, but was his love for medicine and helping others that lead him to become, as impossible to believe as it sound, the world youngest surgeon.

“My principal goal is eliminate crying, eliminate the agony, eliminate human pain.” Akrit Jaswell.

Akrit spent hours reading books of medicine, his lecture took him to develop a special interest on Cancer and terminally ill and focus on finding a cure to Cancer and VHI. At this time this young boy has found a hypothesis on what would cure the cancer on future years with advance technology the world would have.

“Altering the human genome, changing defective genes for healthy ones, this could be possible rupturing the membranes of cells, while inside the core the filaments change the nucleotide base, from there it produce repair and follows as it has to be”.

Akrit Jaswell.

Experts around the world have listened to this young genius boy, willing to help with knowledge, improve his skills so Akrit can reach his goal.

In the video itself, is hard to understand, Akrit appears talking with experts in medical jargon, with decision and knowledge, before even having a normal conversation as a normal teenager. Incredible people do exist.

Now, after this, nothing is impossible, no goal is too high to achieve, just dedication is what we need to accomplish.


I´m in other world
I keep putting triangles cubes
Looking to the circle angles
And I were diagnosed in the deepest madness
Love Turns off the light
who cares about a fool?
Except that the same crazy guy
Give me a little more
A little craziness
Can you turn off the light or find?
Can you slipped off a screw or tight?
What is the dimension of madness?
If you think most sane or watching the moon
I grabbed a cloud and you ran away
The first planet found I keep in mind
And before you know I am safe
Of all the boring things of life
geometry, geography, economics
I´m out of this world and its kitsch
To be fashionable, to be a broom, a silly girl
or even to get marry one day.


je`aime leur normale brun yeux

comment me prende pas surprise

je`aime quand il m`embrasse

aussi quand il jouer avec moi

je´aime quand il me dit, …je t`aime..

meme est de temps en temps

merci d`avoir fait l`appel ce jour lá

autrement, ne serait pas fou pour toi

tu est mon prefere fou

parce vous donner un sens a ma folie

oui, je sais….

vous étes fatigué de autant de betises

que j`ecrirs pour toi

mais mon amour,

je dois dire aujourd`hui

que je t`aime…

chaque jour plus…


This college kids, going around, talking with their friends, while playing, in the classroom, at night, at day, with their girlfriends…. I´m impressed, how come is that their pants don´t fall?.

Have you been behind this guys and want to pull their pants up? wow, I´ve been, sometimes I want to go around everyone´s ” behind” pulling this pants up trying to let them know that this is not good looking…instead gives us, girls, not the best look of their lives.

I don´t, personally really understand why to wear pants like this, in my college there´s a lot of guys that use them like this and  I haven´t tried, just because it’s not my thing.

Fashion, often comes in so many different ways, and some others says: ” La moda, no incomoda”, fashion, doesn´t bother, but yes, it does, is not only almost falling pants as a fashion what irritates me, is the way they are showing their “thing”, and when you have to sit down behind, just in front of your face, you can also count how many lines does the boxer has, or squares, and also, sometimes, can see which character is the guy fan of.

Is a way of showing, a way to express a disorginized person and disrupted way of living?… I have developed a theory, maybe it is a way to show their lovely and talkative aunts how expensive their boxers were and how much time they workout on their “butt”.

Now, talking about history, this type of clothing was originated in the U.S a decade ago, when the prisoners were not allowed to use belts to hold their pants, for safety reasons; and those who recovered their freedom did not more want to use more belts as an evidence of rebellion. Since then, this mode, if you can call it this way, has become so popular that it is accepted by society and on contrary common believe, increasingly used by young people.

After several failed attempts to tell my friends to tell their friends to put their pants were they supposed to go, I have concluded that it is for sure a way to express relaxation, laziness, disinterest and call attention but also a trend that has been imposed willy-nilly.


I have no pain
I have no one to  lie to me
I have no one to tell
all that I want to give.

Only mistrust, is what I have in my head
I do not longer feel that my life is worth less than your absence.

I do not care about your destination, I just want to find mine
I do not care about your existence, it amazes me nothing, nothing.

No longer do I have to explain, I have no one to judge me
I have no one  to ask for an opinion on my life

I am no longer blind
and although I have a dead soul
my life doesn´t worth less than your absence

is no longer what I knew
there is nothing, nothing.


In this 22, September 22ns, rather …. eight thousand and thirty days with 6 hours filled of unforgettable moments, I want at least one of those eight thousand days, these 43,200 seconds were everlasting.
I have discovered, the heart does not age, what ages is the skeleton, the flesh abroad, and also discovered that having rejuvenated the shell and skin of 22, the soul can die quietly by its own.

Everything creaks and trachea as an ecumenical council or Soviet space capsule, ha, imagine? … The thing is I’m more old-fashioned than prehistory, the telegraph or the jukebox, I´m still one of those that believes, I even think there are good souls, sincere eyes, that there is passion, love, or rather, what I am is not dated, but deluded … although I understand that every day we live is one more day to experience the soul, and one day less to wear all my closet, one day less to enjoy the delicious taste of white chocolate, one more day to pay the mortuary.

I can only say then, that today I will …. tribute to gluttony, laziness… although I have no time for sins, but I emancipate on  the “Heno wagon”, stoic, beset by the ways of this travel and will  immerse in “the garden of delights”,I quit to cry, and I renounce to the attachment to the banality of suffering, for today I will be what I am, what I have saved, I’ve hidden what I have away from light and put seal in vampirism, today, just for today, I will turn 22 years.


Si hubo una vez en la que la palabra “baile” estuvo bien aplicada a un partido de fútbol fue aquel 5 de septiembre de 1993, el día en que Colombia le hizo cinco goles a Argentina.

Por ese entonces la Selección dibujaba en sus sueños el Mundial de Estados Unidos 1994 y Colombia aparecía como el rival de turno del equipo de Alfio Basile en las eliminatorias sudamericanas, en el estadio Monumental.

Ni el más optimista de los hinchas colombianos imaginó, en la previa, lo que ocurrió después en el césped: Colombia goleó 5 a 0 al conjunto argentino en uno de los partidos que quedarán marcados en la historia del fútbol.


El 5 de septiembre se cumplieron 14 años de aquel episodio y vuelven a la memoria los cinco goles cafeteros sufridos por Sergio Goycochea. Freddy Rincón golpeó primero, a los 41 minutos del primer tiempo. Faustino Asprilla aumentó, a los 4 del segundo. Y ahí se sucedieron los otros fritos: Rincón repitió a los 17, Asprilla marcó dos minutos después y, a los 41 del complemento, el “Tren” Valencia le puso cifras definitivas a la goleada.


Luego del partido vino la tapa negra de la revista “El Gráfico” que solamente decía “Vergüenza”; la humillación pública de José Sanfilipo a Sergio Goycochea en la televisión con la intervención abrupta de Carlos Bilardo y la vuelta de Maradona a la selección argentina.



Retrocedamos a aquel (catastrófico) 5 de septiembre de 1993. Argentina tenía que ganarle a Colombia para pasar directo al Mundial. En el caso de igualdad, el equipo dirigido por Francisco Maturana lograba el pasaje a los Estados Unidos y Argentina iba directo al repechaje.


Si el combinado albiceleste perdía por una diferencia moderada, no había manera de que Paraguay lo alcanzara en las posiciones. Sin querer, el equipo guaraní le dio una mano a los de Basile: Paraguay igualó 2 a 2 con Perú en Lima. Si ganaba, se clasificaba, porque la diferencia de gol de Argentina bajó violentamente.


De hecho, Paraguay quedó con un punto menos que el equipo albiceleste, pero con una mejor diferencia de gol.


“Ese fue un paso importante para el fútbol colombiano. Lo que pasa es que no es fácil mantener eso (el respeto), lo que está sucediendo ahora”.


Para el más emblemático de los futbolistas colombianos la confianza obtenida por Colombia con el 5-0 “no tuvo nada que ver” con la tempranera eliminación de Colombia en el Mundial de 1994.


“Ganamos con categoría y fútbol ese partido (a Argentina) y todos los partidos amistosos que se nos presentaron en el camino. Pero el Mundial es un campeonato corto (…) y no aguantamos el resultado negativo del debut (contra Rumanía por 1-3)”, sostuvo.


Luego Colombia perdería con Estados Unidos con un gol en contra de Andrés Escobar (posteriormente asesinado en su país) y le ganaría a Suiza, sin alcanzar la clasificación.

Aunque para “El Pibe” quizá no haya en su país una generación de futbolistas como la del 5-0, sí cuenta con jugadores internacionales y de calidad para llevar a Colombia al próximo Mundial.

Pero lo que vino después para la selección argentina luego la peor goleada que se recuerde en los últimos años, es recordado con más agrado: le ganó en el repechaje a Australia (fue 1 a 1 en Sydney –goles de Balbo y Vidmar- y 1 a 0 en la cancha de River, con el gol de Batistuta), para conseguir su pasaje a la cita mundialista.


No hay nada que decir, Aregentina, sei grande…

Colombia.. eres mas grande aun..  lol….;)


What I ´m asking of life? nothing…there´s nothing to ask, there´s no supposed to be an answer how come a question? you do not ask life, you take what you want from it, biting, beating, elbowing, pushing because     that´s the way you ask, as life does; but if I ever have to give an answer I would say… not another day, for now, this what I am, and what I have rapt from life.

Like a duality me and myself are not much like , she hates blue I love indigo, she hates speaking to a crowd I would love to do it without fear, write is her passion, mine to criticize her work, she´s always  first, I like to wait, I like my glasses and voice, hate avocato and love sea food.

She likes to talk unmodulated, the word “word”  means before anything else, written thought, write is life, is living, it´s joy, is forgetting, resurrection and love, love what you write, love to write and enjoy writing, most important if is in a country like hers where write professionally is just elegant idleness, dolce far niente, dulce muerte, sweet death, and to succed you must import the words, almost always to north, where the streets are decorated with white chocolate and the flags hang on every door..

She loves to read, and as a proof and a tip to remember those hundreds of books, she uses to write every name of those books, like to call them friends, keep quotes and always carries a pair of bookmarks and of course the book is reading with her all the time in her purse.

Animals,  there´s nothing more important than animals, every kind, her love for these beings is what make her believe that world could be a better place, is impossible not feeling when a criature stands in the middle of the street, screaming wthout sound, asking for help unable to recieve, when a tree is cut her heart break into pieces, when paper is wasted, impossible is not to feel bad, when water is misspent earth hurts; this is her way to interpret how world consumes it self.

Love, is far away, is not really love is a way of living, helping heart and outside body to feel well, there will always be one half that loves more than the other, one interested moiety… as a resume there is always one who love and the other who is loved, not a perfect combination always a pain filled with anxiety, love is not real, love is not a matter of two, love is just an invented word.

Her thinking, talks about black holes and boring metaphysic, she has stepped on the moon and come back, traveled around earth in just one day, viewed the world differently and patent her own way to love.